File name : CDRWSelV3_04.ZIP
3.0.4 (m07)
* Corrected a visual bug under cdcopy after changing source path
* Now, Integrated filemanager can be called from 'V1 Window' popup
on a selected path
And a few enhancement under integrated filemanager:
* Corrected a visual bug (list refresh)
* Now, directory can be renamed (RMB)
* Names with blank caracteres are supported
* Direct translate filename blank characters to underscore characters (popupmenu)
* Drop new font into file window + ok or cancel saves new font value
- And V3.0.4 (m06) -
* Added -SDM parameter
* Updated installation programs to add -sdm parameter as default.
* 6 CDRWSel.ini file entries are now under one entry (performance issue)
note: older INI file is saved as CDRWSel.BAK for fallback.
* Smaller CDRWBMP.DLL file
* Smaller "expand" " collapse" icons
* Now, you can choice between kill and pkill process for the 'pid kill' feature.
* Corrected several bugs
* If drive names differs for a few caracters only, attach may use the wrong drive.
* MP3toCD function didn' stop process if MP3 convertion failed.
* MP3toCD convertion wrongly increases output wave file name after "9"
* A few other bug ...
* During backgound burn process, a program called CDRWpba.exe (e.g. progress bar
program) can be started. Available parameters are burn progress temp file name, burn
commands etc... (function is activated if cdrwpba exist under cdrwsel directory)
* Changed docs and CDRWSel help file.
* Changed some coding to reduce line code.
- And Since V3.0.3
* Ctl and Id input field are checked for numerical value
* Corrected a Bug with DVD when finalize is requested while burning is in progress.
* If drive name contains "DVD" during refresh and speed is enable, 4x is use as default
(for DVD, I suggest to use max speed or reset the speed to max to prevent write errors)
* Corrected a bug using the eject option from "V1 window" RMB menu.
* Refesh or Deep Refresh add now a default Drive with Ctl=99 and Id=99 (these values are
ignored during process and result into a CDR: parameter (This entry is needed if you
would like use cdview to burn your ISO file. Adding RECORDER entry under Vpath is
no more needed but available)
* Now, ISO->Cd, Trk->CD, Wav->CD, MP3->CD and Cdcopy are available under
"J Window" popup menu (Click 2 times on a drive calls this menu).
From this window style, each option except Cdcopy prompt you for a path where files are
supposed to be.