НОВОЕ: OS/2 GURU - Вопросы и ответы

Reviews / articles about OS/2

Operating systems:
ArcaOS, eComStation, IBM OS/2 Warp
eComStation myths 





ArcaOS 5.0 Russian
Russian ARCAOS exists and it's available since the middle of 2017. All versions are supported: 5.0, 5.0.1, 5.0.2.

eCo Software is able release OS/2 LIP packages for any other language (German, Dutch, Brazilian Portuguese, Spanish, Sweden, etc)

Preparing Shareware programs: Organization topics

TITLE: Preparing Shareware programs: Organization topics

DATE: 2011-02-15 13:33:43

AUTHOR: eCo Software
Please use online translator
go to http://translate.google.com
and request the translation of http://ru.ecomstation./projects/reviews/index.php?id=237
to your language

.......: 2011/02/19


........ eCo Software ....... ..... ...... .......... shareware-.........

...... 10: .......... shareware-........

  • ............ ....... ........ ....... ... eComStation (OS/2). ......, ......... .... .........
  • eComStation - ... ........... ......., .... ..... . ............ ...... . .........
  • .. ........ .....? ..... ........ ............. .., ... ...... ........, ... ...... ........ . ......... .. ....... ...... .............. . ... ......, ... .. ....... ........... ....... .........
  • .......... shareware-......... ..... ... eComStation. 1 ....... .... ............ .............. +1/12 ...... . .... (... ...... . .... shareware, ... ...... ......). ... ..... ....... ...... ...........

Section 10: Development of shareware apps

  • The users are happy to buy your software! (some kinds of applications)
  • eComStation is an electronic product. No eComStation PC. Pirates may stole your software. Be ready for long-term battle.
  • You are working for pleasure. Nevertheless, you make damage for other developers. Ignore the critics.

...... 20: ..... eComStation

  • ..... eComStation ..... .., ... ....... .... ....... - .... ........ ... ....... - 0 .......
  • .... ......., .... .. ...... ....... ......... ..... ........... 2 ............ ... ...... .... GUI-..... + .......
  • .... ........... ........ % .. ...... ........., ....... .. .......

...... 30: ... ......., ..... ......... ...... ...........?

......... ... eComStation ......... ....:

  • .... .. ............ ...... ......, ..... ..... ...... .......... (...... .... JUne)
  • .... .. ............ ..... ..... .......... (...... .... General Network Utilities)
  • ... .... .......... - ... ...... .. . ErOs2 ............ ........ - ..... .. ........ ..... .......... PMDownloader.

(... ...) ......... .. ........., ... .......?

...... ............ .. ........?

  • ... .. ..... ... ..........
    • ... a - ........... ......
    • ... b - .. .. ....... ......... ...... ........
  • .......... ............ ...... ...... ... ........ .....
    • ... a - ... ....... ...... .......... ...... .......

... ........ .......?

..... 1: .... ........... ......... ........., .. ....... ... ............. .......:

  • + ..... . ......... JRescuer (200x ??)
  • + ..... . ......... DVD/CD Toys (2010)

Section 20: Market of eComStation


Section 30: What to do if no sellings?


...... 40: ..... .... .......... ... .........?

Section 40: How to value the product?

How to determine the end-user price for my shareware program?

  • Sponsor: example: QT4 sponsor unit for 50 EURO - very high. Users are ready invest 10 EURO only, no more.

Section 50: ........... .... ......


... DVD Toys ..... ........, ... ...... .... . .. CD, . .. DVD, + ...... + ... ......... .......... 1:1. .. ... .........., ..... .... .....?

  • ...... ...... . .... .........: Unregistered
  • ...... ........ ...... 1-2 ..... . ...... ...-.. ....... ...........


...... ... .............. ............

  • ...... ... ....../...... - .... .. ........... ..... .......... .........

eCo Tunes ........-.....

  • ...... ......... ..... ... ..........
  • ..... N ..... ......... .........


  • ... "...... ... ....... .........."
  • ...... ..... .......... ...... ...... ..... ..... .. .......
  • .. ... ......... ... ........ .........?
  • .......... ........ ........? ....... .. .......
  • .......... greyscale ....... ........? ... ......... ....... .... . ..... ....... ........., .. ............ ............. . .........
  • ...........: .......... ...... ...... ........ . greyscale (... ........)

Section 50: Trial restrictions

More commercial / shareware software - more intensive life in the eComStation city.

Every program should be valued.

Your interest:

  • demonstrate usability and performance of your product
  • do not provoke users to crack the program
  • allow to user participate as tester


  • PMView -- always ready to show your pictures but makes you buy it
  • DVD/CD: it's bad idea to restrict the speed. Better put restrictions to Qty of CDs per day, Allow record after OS reboot again
  • Internet dialer - break connection in 1 hour
  • DFsee -- several monthes for testing - good idea, users are working with disk several times per year.

...... 60: .... . ............... ......

  • ........ ..... ....... . .... .......... ...... .. ...... ......... ... ...........
  • .. .......... ....... .........., ..... .......... .. ...., ... ........ .....

..... .. ...... ........?

.... ............, ....... ......., ... ...... (.......) ........ ........... ".......... ............ ......... .. .... ..... ...... ... ....... . ....... .......... ........ .......... ...... . ...... .. ...... .. ...... ...... .. ....."

......... .. ............. .........:

  • ... ....., .......... .. ...... ........... .... ecoshop ..........: .......... ......... ........ ...... .......... .. ... ...... ....... ......., ................. ...., ......... ...... .. ..... ......... . ....... .....: .... .. .... ...... .. ....... ......... ........ .. ............ .........
  • .... ......... ....... (..........), .. ............ ......... . ... ............. ..... ............ ...... .. ............
  • .., ....... ....... .......... .. . .....-.. ...... ... .... ........ ... ......... / .......... ........ .. ...-.. ....... . ........ ... ........ .... ................... ...... .........., .. .. ...... .. ....... .....: ..... ........... .... ...... .........., ..... ...... ......... .. ...........
  • ......... ........: ... ....... .. ..... eComStation. ..... ....... shareware-......... ............ ....... ........ ....... ........ . ...... .. ............ . ...............

... .......... ........

....... ........ ............. . ...... email (........ .... .. @.ru) + .... ...... . @com ... google . .......: subj: MyApp registration, ....: Hello xxxx, I have sent reg.key from ...._._........_........

Section 60: Registration key file

  • the key should be text file, it should contain the name of the customer.
  • don't publish example of registration key so criminals don't know input data.

...... 70: ... ....... .........?

... ........ .........? ..... .. ........ ........ . PM? .., . ...... .. .... ... ........:

  • Mac: iBook, iBank, iCalc, ..
  • Win: WinZip, WinRAR, ..

. ...... ......., ..... .... .......... ...... => ........ .. ......... .... .. PMDownloader. ... .. FireDownloader, .. ..... .... .. ....... ........ ....... .... .........

Section 70: Name for your program


...... 80: ..... ......... .........?

? ..... ......... ...... ............ (.... ..... .......... ... ....) ... . ....... ....... (.... .. ..........)?


.....: ......... .. ...... ........... (.......), ......... .... ". ....... .......", .. ..... . ........

.. ......... .....-...... ........ .............

..... ..... ........ ............. . .. ...... ....... . ... .. ...... ......... ...... ...... ........ ...... .......: ...! . .... ........ . .... photoshop! ..... ....... ... ......... ........ ......... . ... .. ...... ... ...... .. ........, .. ..... ...... ...... ........... ........ . ........... .... .. ......... .....-......, . ..... ........ Release Candidate

Section 80: When to release the program?

When to release software? When it's ready? when it's perfect or at D-day (every friday)?

...... 90: ... .. ...... ... ...... ...-........?

. ......... ...... .... ...-....... .... ......, ........ ...-....... (... ............. .... ...-........ Netlabs.org . ............. .... ....... OpenOffice.org).

..... .. ......... ...-... ...-......., ... ....... ......... .. .............? ...... ..... .......

............ ........ ...-.......

  • ..... .cmd ... ........ ........
  • ..... .......... ... ......... ...-......, ... ........
  • ..... ...... ... ...... ...... startme.cmd - ......... 10 ........, ....... ........ ......... ..... . ..... ... ... .... .........

......... .............: ... ........ . ..............

  • ..... ........ .. ...... ........., ...-..... ... ..... ....... ..........
  • .... ...-.. ......... - ...... .. .......... . ..... ......... ........... ... ........

Section 90: Are you ready to accept bug-reports?

...... 100: ... ..... ......

Section 100: What is Money

Money is a fuel for developer. There is fuel - there is activity. No fuel - no development. Don't be ashamed to take money for your work.

...... 110: ........ ........., .........

... ..., .... .. ......... ... ..... ........ 2.. 4 ...... . ...... ......... ....... . ..... ......., ... .. ......, ... ............ .... ... ......

... .... ........ .. ...... ....... .. 10 ........... ... ....... ........ .. ...... ....... ...... (........), ....... ............... .. . .... ..........

.... .......... ....... . ....... ............ ..... ............ ...... ......... ... .....

Section 110: Homepage: screenshots

Select a dialog which represents your application.


...... 120: ............... ............

.. ........, ... ...... ......... .....-... ... ......... ............ ... .. ...... . ......., ....... .. ...... ...... . ...... .. ........ ...... .. .., ... . ... (. Windows ...... .. ........ ........, . ... ..... ........... ...)

.... .. .. ........ ......., .. ........., ... .. ....... .... ........... .. ...... ....., .. .. ......... ......

Section 120: Responsibility

...... ...... / More articles:

Test the program:

USB Widget - widget monitoring USB flashdisks


So, eComStation is installed but no time to teach your daugther/grandmother how to work with the computer? Here is LiveBook - print it and pass to new eCS user.



(C) OS2.GURU 2001-2021