НОВОЕ: OS/2 GURU - Вопросы и ответы

Reviews / articles about OS/2

Operating systems:
ArcaOS, eComStation, IBM OS/2 Warp
eComStation myths 





ArcaOS 5.0 Russian
Russian ARCAOS exists and it's available since the middle of 2017. All versions are supported: 5.0, 5.0.1, 5.0.2.

eCo Software is able release OS/2 LIP packages for any other language (German, Dutch, Brazilian Portuguese, Spanish, Sweden, etc)

IBM VAC++ 4.0 and command line

TITLE: IBM VAC++ 4.0 and command line

DATE: 2001-09-04 00:47:17

AUTHOR: Vadim Yegorov
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go to http://translate.google.com
and request the translation of http://ru.ecomstation./projects/reviews/index.php?id=15
to your language

?????........ .... ...... ......... .. ..... ?????

. ....... ...... ........... VisualAge C++ 4.0 ... .......... .......... ..., ... ........ . ... ..... ...... . IDE (. ................. ......... IMUI), ....... .......... .. ...... .. "........." ..... .... Borland IDE. ...... ...... ... (..... 4..) ...... .. ...... .. .. ... ..... .............. ....... .. ........ .............., ... ...... .. ........... ... ....... ........ ;)

.. ..... .... . ........ 4.. ...... 2 ........... ... .. ....... ......: vacbld.exe . iccv4.exe. . .......... ......... ... IDE ......

iccv4 ... ..... ....... (.. ...... ......) IBM C Set Compiler , ....... . ..... ...... ....... ......... icc(xlc ... AIX'a). ...... .. ".. ........" .. ...... ... ....., .. ... ... ...... IBM ;) ......... ..........., . ......... .........., ...... ...... C ....., .. ........ .......... ..... .......... ... ...-...... :). ..... . ... .. ......... .... .......; .. ..............

vacbld - ... ..... ".........." ........ ... .......... ....... ......, . ... .... .......: . makefiles .. .. ......... . ............ ... ... ...... ... .. ....... vacbld ........ . icc ......., .... .. ... . ....., ... ...... .......

...... .....: vacbld -showp=1 myproject.icc.

.... ......... ... .........., ..:

IBM(R) VisualAge(R) C++ Professional, Version 4.0 (990311)
Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
(C) Copyright IBM Corp. and by others 1998. All Rights Reserved.
IBM and VisualAge are trademarks of IBM Corp. 
in the U.S. and/or other countries.
US Government Users Restricted Rights - 
Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP 
Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

VACBLD - build the specified configuration without invoking the IDE.

Syntax: vacbld [] [-C ] [-Unload]
[-?] [-Help] [-SHOWWarnings] [-NOC] [-Migrationbuild]
[-CLean] [-SHOWProgress] [-SEVeritylevel=[I|W|E]]
Name of the configuration file.
-C Name of the persistent codestore file (it
must have a .ics file extension.)
-Unload Unload the kernel from memory; if a
configuration or codestore file is not
specified first, no build is performed.
-? or -Help Show this help.

You must specify AT LEAST one of the above options.

-SHOWWarnings Show the list of warning messages stored in
the codestore.
-NOC Do not create or use a persistent codestore.
-Migrationbuild Migrate source files by building the
configuration one source file at a time.
-CLean Erase any intermediate and target files and
delete the codestore. No build is performed.

You may specify NO MORE THAN one option from the above group.

-SHOWProgress=n Show the build progress every n seconds.
-SEVeritylevel=Information List information, warning and error messages.
-SEVeritylevel=Warning List warning and error messages.
-SEVeritylevel=Error List error messages.

Minimum option is shown in upper case. Option letters are not case-sensitive.
Some options are incompatible; in this case, the first one specified takes

....... ....... (... ... ... .. ..... ......... 'build the specified configuration without invoking the IDE')
... ....... ........ ... .......... .......

... ....... ... IDE IBM ... .. .. ....... .... . ..., ... 4.. .. ..... .... ........
IBM VisualAge C++ professional for OS/2 and Windows NT. . . ........ ...... 4. ..........., .. 2 ... ...... ......... (3.6.5 . 4.0). ... . ............ 3.6.5 . ......... IBM debugger, ....... ........ .......... .......... .. 4... ... ... ... .... . "......." ............ ;)

. ....... . ....... "........" icc-......, ....... ... .. ...... .. make files . ........ . ............ ......... .... .. .. ....... HOLLYWAR, ...... .... ... ... .... ... ........... ..... ...... . ........-.............. . .. ... ... ....... ...... ............

P.S. ... ......... .... .......... ........... ... ...... 4.. ... OS/2, WinNT, AIX.

P.P.S. ..... ..... Stardivision ....... ..... SUN .... ....... Star Office, ......... .......... ......... ...... ... OS/2 ............ ..., ... ............ gcc-emx ...... .. ......... ......... ....... . ........ ... (. ... ...... .. ...........), . VAC++ 4.0 .. ..... .......... ......... ..... ... ..-......... ...... .. ..... ? ;) ... .... . ...-.. .... ?


Test the program:

Upgrade eComStation 2.0 desktop to NeoWPS (useful extenders for desktop)


eComStation 2.0 supports computers with ATOM, i3/i5/i7 + What about modern fresh transparent icons? You need Sunny icons..



(C) OS2.GURU 2001-2021