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2002-01-24 11:31:44 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [www.os2.ru, os2ok]
'Projects' section was moved to new domain DevCenter.Os2.Ru. Development of software will we deployed here. All news will be forwarded to main news stream of OS2.Ru. |
Eric Baerwaldt nimmt ab sofort Vormerkungen fuer sein Buch "Das Software-Kompendium fuer die eComStation und OS/2 WARP" entgegen. Das Buch hat einen Umfang von ca. 350 Seiten, eine CD ist beigelegt. Es wird zum Preis von EUR 34,00 erhaeltlich sein (Deutschland) bzw. EUR 40,00 (Ausland) und ab der zweiten Maerzhaelfte 2002 zunaechst in der deutschsprachigen Ausgabe ausgeliefert. Die englischsprachige Ausgabe wird etwa zwei Monate spaeter folgen. Interessenten richten bitte ihre Vormerkung an Eric Baerwaldt. |
eComStation.Ru kann Ihre Producte in die russische Sprache uebersetzen. We werden Ihre Anfrage in unsere Warteliste aufnehmen. Wenn russische Nutzer interessiert sind Ihr Product werden wir die Uebersetzung starten. |
2002-01-15 02:08:15 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [VOICENWS]
Atlanta, Montreal, Southern California, irc-channels.
- January 15th, Atlanta OS/2 User Group
Roger F. Borrello, Jr.
Ted Vail wird "Acrobatics" zeigen, ohne die Hilfe eines .NET, oder dem reader von Adobe! Sehen Sie Ihn durch die PDF's mit groъer Leichtigkeit fliegen: betrachten, drucken, und erstellen! Alle vorgestellten Werkzeugepresented arbeiten garantiert auf OS/2! Details - auf der homepage von Atlanta OS/2 User Group
- January 16th, Montreal OS/2 user group
Gilbert Lefebvre
Hardware and operating systems with Gilbert Lefebvre, Coffee break, Linux operating system characteristics with Jean-Claude Dщsinor (??) Details - at homepage of Montreal OS/2 user group
- January 19th, SCOUG Meeting
Tony Butka
Discussion of APL2 and AWK programming languages. Details - at homepage of SCOUG (Southern California OS/2 User Group)
- Every Sunday - WarpDoctor Meeting
Walter Metcalf
Details - at homepage of WarpDoctor project
On Saturday, January 12, 2002 at 1:00p ET (18:00 GMT) VOICE will have a Speakup with Achim Hasenmueller from Innotek, Inc. The Speakup will be held in the #voice chatroom on IRC, and will be our first Speakup in quite awhile.
In addition to the well-known Flash plugin for Netscape, Innotek has released or is working on several exciting new products including the Virtual PC allowing OS/2 applications to run on Windows platforms (and vice-versa), and the InnoTek Co-StandbyServer for e-business, a powerful on-the-fly backup system for OS2WSeb. For more information on these products, go to the Innotek web site.
Achim is always a very enthusiastic speaker, so this is one Chat you should not miss.
If you've never been been to an IRC chat meeting (or forgotten how), there are new instructions. These instructions are for the #warpdoctor chatroom; to go to the #voice chatroom substitute #voice for #warpdoctor in Step 8.
2002-01-07 22:36:32 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [www.ecomstation.org]
Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (SCE), Toshiba Corp. und IBM Corp. haben eine эbereinkunft zur gemeinsamen Entwicklung eines neuen OS, dass 2005 fertiggestellt sein soll.
Komplette Story auf The Daily Yomiuri
Warpstock hДtte gerne feedback bezgl. ihrer Plaene fuer Warpstock 2002 und danach. Wir haben eine kleine Umfrage bezgl. des Austragungsortes fuer Warpstock 2002 gestartet.
Eine der Fragen un die es geht ist der Austragungsort des 2002 Event. Wir haben momentan Austin Texas im Auge und mnoechten gerne wissen, was Ihr denkt.
Auъerdem laden wir jeden Interssierten ein die Zukunft in einem offenen und produtiven Diskurs aufWarpstock Public Discussion list zu diskutieren.
Warpstock, Inc., is a North Carolina non-profit corporation. The Warpstock annual conference is a gathering of OS/2 users, developers, and vendors from around the world for the purpose of education and advocacy. More information is available at the Warpstock website, or its mirror site.
The January 2002 issue of the VOICE Newsletter is now online
In this month's issue you will find:
- The Editors of VOICE speak out: A Happy, and HealthyOS/2002 to everyone.
- Using OS/2's bundled Digital Audio application, By: Jeremy Workman
- If the shoe fits, wear it!, By: Tom Nadeau
- An OS/2 History Lesson: OS/2 Warp 3, By: Michal Necasek
- Installation of Win32-applications using Odin - Part 5, By: Herwig Bauernfeind
- Personal Information Managers for OS/2, By: Isaac Leung
- And of course the VOICE OS/2 Tips, letters and the compiled monthly OS/2 news!
The forums can be accessed at Innotek web-page
InnoTek has established web based online support forums for questions and discussions related to the products:
- Virtual PC for OS/2
- Virtual PC for Windows with OS/2 Guest Support
- Macromedia Flash Player for OS/2
- InnoTek Co-StandbyServer for e-business
In order to access, you have to register first. Instructions can be found on the web page. All forums will be monitored by InnoTek staff but the primary intention is to establish a community where users help eachother. Note that this is also the right place to provide suggestions for product improvements!
Tom Nadeau's monthly essay is online already. |
2001-12-30 01:17:47 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [www.ecomstation.ru]
It seems fun, but OS/2 users don't need software catalogue :\ Any modern operating system has many software catalogues. This is very important for beginners..
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IBM OS/2 Warp