For developer:
(Пайпы программ) Companies:
(Бонусы) Advice:
(Барьеры и решения) Technologies:
(Применение в науке, лаборатории, ..)
New eComStation:
(Ссылки на другие сайты) (Картинка дня) OS/2 artefacts:
2003-05-15 21:29:18 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]
There are some "new" sites in the Internet:
2003-05-09 12:25:49 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [www.os2world.com]
What everybody has been waiting for has now been launched; the nomination process for the 3rd OS2 World.Com Award.
This years categories are following:
- Best Unix Port of the Year
- Best Commercial Software of the Year
- Best Java Application of the Year
- Best Site of the Year
- Best Supporting Company of the Year
- Best Individual Software of the Year
- Honor Award for Individuals
The nomination form can be found here. The nomination process will be open until Sunday the 25 of May.
The OS2 World.Com Award Event, was founded to advance the developent and use of eCS and OS2; foster cooperation among creative developers and users; recognize outstanding achievements; cooperate on technical research and improvement of methods and equipment; provide a common forum and meeting ground.
2003-05-04 16:34:33 -- Victoria Noven [VOICENWS]
The May 2003 issue of the VOICE Newsletter is now online.
In the latest issue you can find:
- The Future of the VOICE Newsletter -- by Mark Dodel
- DrDialog, or: How I learned to stop worrying and love REXX - Part 8 -- by Thomas Klein
- Installing a hybrid WIN32S 1.25/1.30 extension in WinOS/2 on OS/2 Warp 4 -- by Jeffrey Race
- Virtual PC - Now We Can Have It All! -- by Mark Szkolnicki
- OS/2 and Mainframes: The Linux Answer? -- by Timothy Sipples
- Not Bad For an Old Elephant. -- by Don Eitner
- And of course letters, addenda, tips and a compilation of news of the previous month!
2003-04-23 13:05:06 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]
In this article Vladimir Solovyov describes original method of HTTP access granting (russian text). He uses freeware software and usual computer. |
Here is a quotation from Australian OS/2 list.
Announcing next week's meeting of the Melbourne SIG to be held at Melbourne PC Rooms, 27 Wells St, Sth Melbourne, Commencing 6:30pm
The Night of Nights!!
News & Views - latest items of interest which will be a mere curtain raiser to the new eCS v1.1
Demonstration of some significant OS/2 software: eCS 1.1; This must be currently the most significant piece of software on the planet - who would dare miss this??
- Mark Rogers will install our official MelbPC registered copy of eCS 1.1
- Mark will talk us through the new features as they emerge on the screen
- Mark will also distribute CDs of the upgrade to those present who have ordered
Tech-Talk: Bootable JFS by Ian Manners. Don't know what this means? Come along and find out! You do know? Then come and see latest developments on this topic from one of the world-wide team of beta-testers
Free Java - continuous downloads available from the kitchenette!
2003-04-21 13:02:40 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [http://www.os2bbs.com/os2news/]
Some weeks ago Tom Nadeau have published the next essay. In this month he talks about "When is cheaper not really cheaper?". He shows underwater stones hidden in "cheap software" concept and the role of dummy here plays Microsoft. |
In this issue:
From The Editor -- Robert Basler
- eComStation 1.1 - Gold Baby! -- Robert Basler takes a test drive.
- Memsize -- Deane Yamane looks at a utility that displays useful system information.
- KVEC -- John Bijnens reviews a utility for converting bitmaps into vector images.
- Beginners Guide to Creating PDF's -- Isaac Leung tells us how.
- Application Servers for eComstation and OS/2 -- David A. Del Col looks at some of the choices.
- OS/2 Tricks -- Isaac Leung offers a long list of things you probably didn't know OS/2 could do.
- OS/2 is Boring Part 9 -- Bas Heijermans looks at a solution for keeping time.
The Art Department -- Cool desktops for you.
2003-04-15 03:57:51 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [eCo Software, news]
eCo Software summed up its activity during the previous year. Tax return was succesfully filed, first license payments was made to Serenity Systems. All this allows finish preparation stage and start scaling of e-business. |
2003-04-15 03:42:41 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [www.os2.spb.ru]
Roman Popov shows methods of reservation on example of two networks linked by allocated channel. Both networks contain servers which must echange data (different organizations own this networks). The requirement: in case of damage restore connection by dial-up and break this temporal connection after damage removal. |
The Warpstock Inc. board of directors is very pleased to announce that Warpstock 2003 will be held this year in the beautiful state of California. The BayWarp OS/2 User group has assembled an excellent package. There are still a few details to be determined, but so far I can tell you the date for the event will be the weekend of October 18-19, 2003.
Hopefully by the end of this week the actual hosting facility will be announced. All three under consideration are in the general San Francisco/San Jose area and are convenient to either San Francisco, San Jose and Oakland airports. No prices are as yet available, but it appears that room rates will be more favourable then last years event in Austin, Texas.
The BayWarp event team is still looking for a publicity coordinator. This position can be handled by someone not local to the SF area. This person will be responsible for drafting/sending announcements to keep the OS/2-eCS community informed of the Warpstock event news. If you want to help, please contact Warpstock 2003 Event Chair - Samuel Little
Die April Ausgabe des VOICE Newsletter ist online.
- Lasst uns chatten! -- von Mark Dodel
- DrDialog, oder: ..... - Part 7 -- von Thomas Klein
- IBM Thinkpad A30p - eCS power auf der Strasse -- von Mark Szkolnicki
- Nice-OS/2 Enhancer v 5.0 -- vonby Sergey Posokhov
- Ein Abenteuer mit LVM, einem Multi-boot System, und ueber das Clonen von Betriebssystempartitionen -- von Peter Hinckley
- Installing XFree86/OS2 4.3.0 -- von Christian Hennecke
- und natuerlich Briefe, Anmerkungen, Tips und eine News-Zusammenfassung fuer den letzten Monat!
2003-03-30 15:35:56 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]
Wir feiern den Geburtstag vonOS2.Spb.Ru (5 Jahre) und OS2World.com (3 Jahre).
Das Forum von OS2.Spb.Ru ist voller Aufregung, weil die Seite ansich zu einer Arena des Kampfes zwischen Alex-G (welcher OS/2 begraben will) und OS/2 Usern (welche neue Reports schicken mit OS/2 Kompatibler Hardware).
Die Mission von OS2World.com ist eine andere:
"Gestartet im Maerz 2000 von Kim Haverblad, die Seite ist jetzt die beste Quelle fuer Neuigkeiten ueber OS/2 & eCS. Als eine Internationale collaborative Community stellt die Seite eine Plattform fuer die OS/2 & eCS Community dar um miteinander zu interagieren.
Die urspruengliche Mission von OS2World.com war es ein freies Web-hosting fuer OS/2 bezogene Seiten anzubieten. Jetzt ist sie gewachsen und hat ein taeglich aktualisiertes News, Webmail, Benutzerforen und Link system. All das unentgeldlich.
Zum Zeitpunkt Maerz 2003, OS2 World hat ueber 2 million Seitenaufrufe und begeistert ein publikum von ueber 20.000 unterschiedlichen Besuchern pro Monat. Gewachsen von den kleinen Anfaengen zu der kraftvollen Resource fuerr OS/2 & eCS, ist sie nun einer der wichtigsten OS/2 & eCS Seiten die verfuegbar sind."
Wir haben ein Topic aufgmacht in dem forum ueber den OS2World.com Geburtstag, ihr koennt dort eure Kommentare hinterlassen.
Es gibt ein weiteres WarpDoctor chat meeting am Sonntag, 30 Maerz 2003 ab 3:00 ET (20:00 GMT). Besuchen Sie dieses Seite fuer Informationen zu Ihrer Zeitzone.
Viele Unterstuetzer des Webbnet haben lange und Hart gearbeitet und das Netzwerk neu aufgebaut. Um die aktuelle Liste der Webbnet server zu finden gehen Sie zu diesem Server.
#warpdoctor gibt es auf vielen dieser Server.
Sie viele dieser Adressen benutzen um Ihren IRC client zu initialisieren, oder Sie klicken alternativ auf den Link am Ende dieser Seite um ein Java IRC applet herunterzuladen. Ich habe das Applet ausprobiert, und es ist bemerkenswerterweise schnell, und einfach zu lernen und nutzen.
Wenn Sie nicht wissen, wie man einen chatroom besucht, dann gibt es hier detaillierte Anweisungen.
Bitte lesen Sie die Topliste und Sie sind bereit am Treffen teilzunehmen.
2003-03-17 02:27:52 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [www.os2ezine.com]
In this issue:
From The Editor -- Robert Basler talks about coming eComStation 1.1 release.
- The Life of Virtual PC for OS/2 - Brilliant but Short? -- Douglas Clark speculates on the future.
- Electronic Teller -- John Bijnens reviews this financial package.
- DrawIt 3.5 -- Isaac Leung explores a comprehensive vector drawing tool.
- Rexx: The King is Alive and Well -- Douglas Clark offers an overview of this powerful programming tool.
- OS/2 is Boring Part 8 -- Bas Heijermans talks about firewalls, NFS and more.
- Does OS/2 have to be Ugly? -- Isaac Leung tells us how he made his desktop look the way it does.
The Art Department
- Ask John & Rob -- John Bijnens and Robert Basler answer your OS/2 questions in this ongoing forum.
- March Forums -- Questions for the authors? Disagree with us? Take it to the forums.
2003-03-10 15:06:41 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [OS2 World forum, kimh]
It's soon time to kick off the 3rd annual OS2 World award event, but before doing so we would like to figure out if there should be some updates regarding the Nomination Categories. Should we remove or change any of the current categories or even add a new one ?
Here is the list of categories from last event:
- Best Supporting OS/2 Company
- Best Commercial Software of the Year
- Best Individual Software of the Year
- Honor Award for Individuals
- Best OS/2 Site of the Year
Post your opinions so we can start the nominations for the 3rd event as soon as possible. The Award Section will also be updated with the latest news.
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